Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Nu Ankh or Noah's Ark?

Nu Ankh or the royal boat of Khufu.The boat was originally
placed right in front of the Khufu pyramid in Giza.
It was built to help transport the soul of the dead
Pharaoh via the Nile River to the Milky Way. 
Many scholars believe that what is described, in the scripture, as the Noah's Ark is actually an ancient Egyptian royal yacht called Nu Ankh or the boat of great King Khufu - in Medu Neter, Nu is water and Ankh is eternal life (i.e., the union of male and female principles). However, the story that was created in the scripture to go with this ancient boat might have been lifted from the ancient Sumerian poem, The Epic of Gilgamesh.
As above so below!
A dead Pharaoh being  portrayed as the god
Ausar (Osiris), who was believed to be the constellation Orion.
The Ancient Egyptians mapped all of Orion's Constellation
to specific places around Giza. For example, the pyramid of Khufu
maps directly to the first star in the Orion's belt.
The Nile River, right behind the 3 pyramids, maps
directly to the Milky Way. Interestingly, the royal boat of Khufu or
Nu Ankh, though not shown in this picture, was originally placed
right in front of the first pyramid, the Khufu pyramid.
In the Egyptian mythology, a man's soul is said to be mapped to a specific star in the sky. And at the moment of the man's death, the man's matching solar star is believed to drop from the sky (Gerald Massey "Natural Origin" Vol.I). Thus to reconnect the soul of the dead, most importantly the dead king, with its solar star in the afterlife, the royal boat or Nu Ankh was built for this purpose. 

This mythology appears over and over again in many other African regions. In the Yoruba region, it's called Irawo Ja. "Irawo" denotes stars and "Ja"denotes fall or drop. The Yoruba people believe that when a star falls from the night sky, a specific soul is deceased somewhere, and the dead must be mourned – Irawo Ja. The current writer is very familiar with this mythology or superstition.

Historians and archeologists have been digging all over North East Africa (now called the Middle East) for the scripture Noah's Ark, but as they have found nothing to corroborate every other story in the scriptures, they have found nothing remotely similar to Noah’s Ark. However, you can travel to Egypt today and view the 4000-5000 year old Nu Ankh or the royal boat.

I maintain that not a single character mentioned in the scriptures ever existed in history, and every story in the scriptures is a deliberate distortion of the ancient Hindu-Cush mythologies and astrotheologies.
Ojo 3/19/2013


  1. Very difficult to convey these facts to our misguided brothers and sisters around the world. They simply feel a need to believe! Nothing else matters. But I keep trying. Ase.

    1. This is the truth. Keep up the great work. The world needs to know the whole history. Great job! Hotep brother...

    2. There's nothing to convey here, this story is bogus. Ashra Kwesi might this story up about that boat being called the Nu Ankh. There's no other African scholars corroborating his claim. All you see are blogs passing it around.

    3. Noah's Ark is a mythical boat gotten from Nu Ankh ancient Kemetic real barge. How could it have rained 40 days and nights in a region known for barely having any rains? Till today, not a plank of wood from Noah's ark has been found suggesting that it is just a made up myth .

  2. There's Noah type stories all over the ancient Middle East, & the most famous pharaonic vessel is called Nu Ankh whilst the Epic of Gilgamesh contains much of the rest of the Noahs Ark story.

  3. My studies came to the same conclusion about the etymology of Noah coming from Egyptian, and Noah himself may have been the personification of fresh water. His landing at mount Ararat would signify the creation of of the source of the Tigris and Euphrates river systems, although his being drunk and naked on wine may signify the flooding of the nile with its dark reddish sediment washing in.
