Thursday, May 10, 2018

Why Is Ifa Divination System a Base2 System?

A curious Awo recently asked me, "why is it that Ifa is a base 2 system and not a base 6 system like a common dice?"

First off, to understand the ethno-mathematical structure of Ifa system, one must understand basic probability, exponents and the basis of natural numbers.

There's no secret as to why Ifa is a base 2 system. Nature, for the most part, operates as a base 2 system (Tibi Tire). The two legs of Ifa, the Chinese I Ching and even the computer systtem were created to simulate nature. Consequently, they're all base 2 systems. This explains why each shell in the 4x2 quantum Opele chain has two sides and why supplicants commonly phrase their questions, to Ifa, as two mutually exclusive affirmatives. 

Structurally, not only can each two-sided shell, in the 4x2 quantum Opele chain, be used to simulate nature (I.e. the dualistic decision making process of the human mind), it can also be adapted to produce bits of information. However, a six-sided dice (base 6 system) just does not have this structural advantage. In other words, a six-sided dice cannot capture the dualistic decision making process of the human mind. Consequently, it cannot be used to produce information to aid decisions. 

In other words, There's no question that a 4x2 quantum dice chain (6^8 possibilities) has more computational power than a 4x2 quantum Opele chain (2^8 possibilities). However, a six-sided dice has a structural limitation. It cannot capture the dualistic process of decision making. Consequently, quantum dice chain cannot be used to produce information to aid decisions. 

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