Monday, December 10, 2012

The suns of god - Potolo-4 CONTD

The year is 2060; we’ve just discovered a new planet called Potolo-4 – named after Potolo (Sirius B), Dogon’s name for the brightest star in the sky. It’s postulated that Potolo-4 is a green planet, and it makes a complete revolution around its orbit at the same rate as a little known planet called PH1. What’s unique about Potolo-4 is that it has four suns and it’s found habitable with substantial amount of Atom1 (Hydrogen) and Atom8 (Oxygen).

Ten years before the discovery of Potolo-4, a little known independent congressman from Seattle had successfully convinced the congress to pass a bill to fund professor Oyinbo’s unified field theory. The congressman’s effort paid off, big time. With the help of Oyinbo’s theory, the scientific community was able to unify all the known forces in our planet into one. With this scientific breakthrough, the technology to reach Potolo-4 is readily available. While we still cannot beat the speed of light, we are much closer to it. This, I must say, is the official story.

According to the leaked classified information, Potolo-4 was actually discovered in the year 2010, right before we entered into the Age of Aquarius. Our entrance into the much anticipated Age of Aquarius caused a universal bump which reverberated throughout our galaxy. Due to this galactic reverberation, PH1 suddenly started to spin at a faster rate than Potolo-4, which made it easier for our space telescope to finally pick up the new planet, Potolo-4.

Contrary to the official report, congress has been clandestinely funding exploration to Potolo-4 since 2011 - a year after the planet was actually discovered. And, the first exploration to Potolo-4 started in 2012, shortly after it was discovered that the planet could sustain life. There have been reports that NASA explorers had discovered a sprawling civilization in the southern part of the planet, the part which may not be habitable for humans, and had covertly transported terrorists and prisoners of war to the north eastern part, the further part from the equator.

The southern part of the planet is described as a green space; perhaps, because every organic life there is covered with “green matter” – from the plants to the beings. It is not implausible that the universal presence of green matter is an adaptive feature, which protects the organic lives out there from the deadly rays of four suns.

If humans need green matter, a substance already identified to be 99.9% chlorophyll, to survive in the southern part of Potolo-4; so, how do we conquer and colonize the Potolians? Is it plausible? Is it even doable? An unsubstantiated report states that Nasa explorers have managed to kidnap two Potolians in the north, and have been trying to synthesize their green matter in the lab. Another unsubstantiated report states that while the brain cells of these kidnapped Potolians were being monitored, there was a slight movement in their right brain cells when shown a picture of a woman. And, the movement intensified when the picture was replaced with that of a very attractive woman.

Many scientists believe that with the help of Oyibo’s unified field theory, we can synthesize chlorophyll not without much effort, and it’s only a matter of time before we conquer and colonize the Potolians. The battle ready terrorists are still waiting for their artificial green matter/chlorophyll suits to protect them from the deadly sun rays in the southern atmosphere. In the meantime, Nasa and the department of defense are currently conducting war games in the Northern space of Potolo-4.

Back here on earth, in the US Congress to be specific, the maverick independent Seattle congressman stood before the Congress and said: “Finding new habitable planets is paramount to our survival and determining whether these planets can actually sustain life should be the holy grail of astronomy. I stand before you today to tell you that a habitable planet has indeed been found, but has not yet been colonized. Our focus now should be on colonizing this new planet for our survival. I am confident that we can achieve this without military intervention as we have been told that the resident creatures of our new planet, whom I call the sons of god, love the beautiful daughters of men. Gentlemen, to conquer the sons of god, we may need to mate them with the daughters of men."

It has been two years since the two Potolians were captured in the North, but communicating with them has just been settled. About two years ago, a group of scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced they had developed artificial emotional intelligence for human-machine interaction. This technology was originally developed for robots to mimic human emotional intelligence, and is now being used by the NASA scientists to communicate with the captured Potolians.
In one of the decoded communications with the Potolians, the Potolians claimed they came from what appears to be an earth like planet in the constellation Orion, but they had to leave their original planet because their civilization got out of hands to an extent that they used up every energy source in their environment. The quest to find new sources of energy to support their advanced Type-1 civilization led them to Potolo-4. Even here in Potolo-4, they opine, they are fast running out of energy; so, there is a constant need to search for another planet with abundant energy.

In another communication, one of the NASA scientists asked the captured Potolians if they ever came into contact with humans. They responded that they might have because after they lost their original planet, they visited a few others similar to the one they once had, but none was conducive enough for their Type-1 advanced civilization and their current molecular structure. They claimed their molecular structure has changed so much from its original form that it’s now impossible for them to inhabit an earthlike planet for more than a few seconds, whereas all they ever wanted was to go back to their original planet or found another similar to it. In their original planet, they opined, they lived in peace and harmony with nature; however, this all changed when their rapidly changing civilization dried up every energy source in their environment. Today, the Potolians have to constantly move from one planet to another to support their rapidly changing civilization and their ever changing molecular structure. Could this be the human fate?

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