Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Phantom Doubling

In writing, it's called phantom doubling or an act of creating multiple copies of the same story. But, in acting, it's simply called doubling or an act of casting one actor for multiple roles in one movie scene. While I can't tell you where the concept of phantom doubling originated from, I can surely tell you that the concept was popularized by the Shakespearean writers, in the Middle Ages. There are tons of stories that are replete with phantom doubling, but time and space would only permit me to reveal a few.

Here we go: the story of Socrates in "Ancient Greece" is a phantom copy of the story of Socrates Scholasticus or Socrates of Constantinople. Similarly, the story of Plato in "Ancient Greece" is a phantom copy of the story of Gemistos Pletho in Constantinople. The story of Aristotle in "Ancient Greece" is a phantom copy of the story of Georgios Kourtesios Scholarios (aka Ariostesios) in Constantinople. And lastly, the story of Alexandria the Great or Iskandar the conqueror is a phantom copy of the story of Mehmed II the Great conqueror of Constantinople.

Now, let's juxtapose, piecemeal, the phantom copies and the originals: Aristole was said to be Plato's student in Ancient Greece. Similarly, Scholarios (aka Ariostesios) was said to be Gemistos Pletho's student in Constantinople. Plato and Aristotle both travelled to Egypt and studied there. Gemistos Pletho and Scholarios did same. Aristotle opposed some of Plato's teachings and may have challenged Plato openly. Scholarios did the same to Gemistos Pletho, in the Middle Ages. It gets very interesting! Aristotle was said to be Alexandria's tutor in Ancient Greece. Similarly, Scholarios or Ariostesiosi was Mehmed II mentor in Constantinople. And lastly, Alexandria supposedly conquered Persia at a young age of 21-22, his biggest conquest. Similarly, Mehmed II conquered Constantinople around the same age. 

I maintain that, there's no Greek civilization in the Ancient times. The so-called Ancient Greek civilization, in traditional history, was a phantom copy of the Byzantine era, Aegean city state of Athens - Athens being the intellectual capital of Byzantine while Constantinople was its political capital. As evidenced by the phantom stories above, every major Greek celebrities, in the traditional history, was actually a phantom double of others in Constantinople, in the Middle Ages. 

The question is: why the pretended antiquity of Greece? In other words, why did the Scaligerites or Jesuit scholars write Greece into ancient history? First off, it was the Jesuits scholars who created the discipline of history based on a Biblical chronology or timeline they, themselves, created. Consequently, it's expedient for the Jesuit scholars to backdate the history of Greece, into late antiquity, since the first known Bibles were written in Greek (I.e. The Septuagint and Codex SINAITICUS). In other words, Ancient Greece had to be created, as a B.C era civilization, to explain away the mystery of why the first Bible was written in Greek and not in Hebrew.

The world is a matrix of lies!

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