Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Three Roman Civilizations

In his book, "Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended," Isaac Newton applied his unique knowledge of physics and astronomy to problems of history, theology and mythology. Newton's radical ideas generated an uproar that reverberated across Europe in the 18th century and beyond. 

What can we deduce from Newton's research?

1. The Western civilization is a Christian civilization by all standards.
2. The star catalog of Ptolemy Almagest which Joseph Scalinger used to formulate the chronology of Ancient civilizations might have been altered, deliberately, by the Church of Rome.
3. The Greco-Roman history was backdated by at least 500 years.

Using modern knowledge of historical chronology combined with Newton's research, new historical chronologists were able to reach the following non-superficial conclusions:

There were three successive Roman civilizations. The first Roman civilization or the first Rome was established at the Delta region of Egypt, now Alexandria. This civilization lasted for nearly four centuries before it was forcefully usurped by the Mohammedan Saracens around 6th-7th century of the Common Era.

The second Roman civilization or the second Rome (I.e. Byzantine) was established in Constantinople, present day Turkey, where the Roman patriarchs built the first Christian church, the church of Hagia Sophia. The second Rome lasted for nearly seven centuries before it was forcefully usurped by the Ottoman Turks around 15th century of the Common Era.

The third Roman civilization or the third Rome was established in the Vatican City, present day Rome, where the Roman patriarchs rebuilt the church of Hagia Sophia and named it St. Peter's Basilica. The third Rome is the new Rome we're all familiar with today which has only been in existence for nearly five centuries.

Why is it imperative for a student of history to carefully study the three Roman civilizations above?
1. Such a student would understand why the world is the way it is today.
2. He/she would fully understand why the Pope issued an edict for the Saracens and the Africans to be reduced to servitude.
3. He/she would understand why Africa is in the shape it is today.
4. He/she would fully understand why Mohammedanism, now Islam, is a form of Nestorian or Monophysitic Christianity.
5. He/she would understand why the Wahhabists in the House Saud collude with the Zionists.
6. He/she would fully understand why the Hans of Asia patrolled their high and low seas for nearly three Centuries to keep the Christian missionaries away from their shores.
7. He/she would fully understand why Christianity is nothing but European cultural supremacy.
8. He/she would definitely understand why much of Western civilization developed in Africa (I.e.Egypt) and Constantinople, present day Turkey.


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