Monday, December 24, 2012

The concept of Ori and determinism

The concept of Ori in Yoruba metaphysical thought has always captivated the interest of many scholars, but its true meaning and nature has always been controversial. Ori (i.e., Chi), the immaterial or spiritual head, can simply be described as the bearer, the ruler and the controller of human destiny.

Many scholars and theologians argue that the traditional Yoruba thought, more specifically the concept of Ori, fits very well into the framework of hard-determinism or predestination, and thus lacks "free will "or binary choice. While it is true that the traditional Yoruba thought fits into hard-determinism, it is not true that the traditional Yoruba thought denies "free will" or binary choice. The traditional Yoruba thought recognizes that we live in a deterministic chaos dynamic world (i.e., Aye Loja), where every effect must have a cause (initial condition). 

Ori is the initial condition, which sets human activities into motion in a chaos dynamic world. Ori itself is not deterministic, but is required for making predictions in a chaos dynamic world. To further understand the concept of Ori, we shall look at IFA - IFA is the central science of the Yoruba metaphysical thought. IFA, fundamentally, tracks free will binary choice that comes with human decision process. So, if the traditional Yoruba thought indeed lacked "free will" or binary choice as claimed by some scholars, IFA would not have been developed to track "free will." The development of IFA divination as a "free will" tracking system testifies to the presence of "free will" choice in the traditional Yoruba thought. In other words, IFA reconciles the uncertainty or randmoness in human activities with the ever present determinism in the chaos dynamic world ("Einstein determinism" and "Heisenberg uncertainty"). While the initial condition or Ori is fixed, the IFA literary corpus tells us that Iwa Pele (Good character), Ise (hard work) and sacrifice can positively influence the outcome of "free will" choice made by man.

I have enclosed the mythology of Ori as described in the film stargate: The ark of Truth. While the film has no relevance whatsoever to the traditional Yoruba thought, the discerning minds would recognize the subliminal messages therein: "The Ori and the Alterans were one race millions of years ago and lived in a single society on an evolutionary path to ascension. However, a philosophical division emerged. The Ori grew more and more fervent in their religious belief, while the Alterans adopted a more scientific/rational outlook to become a more progressive society.....With the Ori outnumbering the Alterans, their viewpoints ultimately diverged so much that the two groups split apart and began to actively oppose each other, with the Ori attempting to kill the Alterans.....A gap was eventually bridged between the cultures. In consequence, the other Alterans left for the Milky Way Galaxy(to later be known as the Ancients)......The Ori conceived the Origin faith, one that placed them in the center of creation, and wrote down their guidelines in the Book of Origin to be administered to followers through Priors, missionaries and teachers of Origin.....The Ori were, for all intents and purposes, omnipotent and liked it. Even after they were presumably destroyed, their followers and Priors continued to use their powers and name to oppress and enslave thousands of people."

Symbolism in Yoruba Cosmogony

Symbolism is everything! The circle represents the infinite cosmos - the never ending flow of time, where all possibilities of past, present and future are contained. The interlocking 8 symbol or double helix (see the DNA structure) represents infinity or the never ending flow of electromagnetic wave. (i.e., Kundalini energy or serpent). The number 8 is a cosmic key, which is the original 8 markings of IFA divination system. This octagonal key can open a portal to any location and any time.The upper half of the circle is heaven and the lower half is earth – as above so below. The inverted pyramids further represent the truth of "as above, so below" - reflection. The sine waves on top and under the pyramids represent roaring energy flow. The crown on top of the head represents electromagnetic wave or energy clouding over the head.
This is math, this is physics, this is metaphysics, this is science!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Mandate of age

It is well settled that roughly every 2,150 years, the sun position at the vernal equinox moves into a new constellation and this movement is believed to usher in new age of ideology, order and human experience. Some people call this phenomenon the “mandate of age.” Some call it the “mandate of heaven,” and others call it the “world order.”

In the world order of the old age, reality was both subjective and objective. That is, reality was concocted to have physical (i.e., material) and spiritual (i.e., ethereal) aspects; embodying, the divine opposites of the hidden and revealed - the ka (spirit or soul) and ba (body). Central to the old age ideology is the notion that humankind is a microcosm of a macrocosm. That is, in our subjective self (i.e., physical self), we carry some elements of objective truth (i.e., divinity). If this holds, the ideology states, we need not have faith in a mediator or a savior to reach salvation – your salvation is totally in your hands. The only faith you may have is in yourself to have control over your thoughts and actions because it is in the control over ones thoughts and actions that one reaches salvation, but not through faith in an allegorical savior. History makes it clear that the old age was the golden age of Apis bull (Saturn) and Amon/Amen the ram (Aries).

The old world order that left the river valley people (i.e., Hindu-Cush) in a dominant position ended when the “mandate of heaven” shifted to the Greco-Roman domination. Shortly after this shift, the world entered a middle age, also known as the Piscean age of fish. In the middle age, the world was placed under the central authority of the ecclesiastical keepers of the objective truth. How did this happen? Firstly, objective truth became absolute and subjective reality was driven into oblivion – secularism was punishable by death. Secondly, objective truth fathered a son who was literarily colonized in the image of Greco-Roman ethnic stock, only to be bundled into a trinity, and later elevated to be God. This “irrational deification” of the son was reminiscent of the old age elevation of newer deities to the status of ancient gods. For example, the old age elevation of Ausar (the god of the afterlife) to the status of Ausar-Ra (the universal SUN god). Thirdly, faith in the son was now a precondition for salvation and eternal fellowship with the objective truth. History makes it very clear that much of the intellectual capital gained in the old age was completely depleted in the middle age – this era was marked by death, devastation and destruction in defense on whose objective truth was more superior. The civilized world descended into the dark ages.

Having wallowed in the dark ages for many centuries, the world finally entered a new age under the “new world order” – the mandate of heaven has totally shifted in favor of the West. Under the new mandate, subjective reality is absolute and objective truth is no longer relevant in human affairs. That is, we are in an age when secular humanism and existentialism supersede divinity – reality is now defined outside of emotion and spirituality, the closer you are to your subjective self, the closer you are to power and control. Secular humanists and existentialists are of the worldview that life is transient and the application of reason, scientific knowledge, lessons of history and individual experience, but not gods and supernatural forces, create meaning to life.

I shall conclude by quoting Djehuti’s law of cause and effect: Ye, O man, until now, ye were the greatest, and yet before that were others greater than ye. As others before ye have fallen, so shall ye, men shall rise and men shall fall, far is the future yet not fixed. The future follows man’s free will as it moves through time-space toward the goal where a new time begins (The thrice great, Djehuti 30,000-50,000 BCE).

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

DIFAnation, Duality and Binary Theory

I mentioned in my previous essay, "Ifa vs I Ching," that the origin of Ifa divination science might be shrouded in mystery. I was, by and large, thinking out loud the argument of the proponents of “foreign conception” model – which tends to prove that Ifa divination science was conceived in a foreign land and was imported much later into Africa. This essay is concerned with “local conception” model, in which I will prove that the concept of Ifa divination system was conceived locally and it was from the indigenous African people that the concept spread to the rest of the world. I shall begin with my favorite quotation from Dan Brown, “The ancients possessed profound scientific wisdom...mankind had once grasped the true nature of the universe…but had let go…and forgotten…the world needs this understanding…now more than ever!...The secret hides with the order 8 Franklin Square…of the numbers 1 through 64…" My use of this quotation above is an attempt to convince a diligent reader that, in spite of our modern scientific breakthroughs, we are still far removed from our potentials. If we can tap into the profound wisdom of the ancients, only then can we move closer to a measurable distance of our potential. Let's examine order 8, and numbers 1 through 64, as mentioned by Dan, above. The order 8 represents the original 8 markings of Ifa divination system. When combined (i.e., 2^8 = 256), the result is a 256 dimensional odu elements; denoting all actions and outcomes in the universe. The numbers 1-64 are 64 dimensional elements (i.e., 2^6) found in I Ching hexagram system. I should mention that I Ching is a subset of Ifa.  

What is Ifa Divination System?
Ifa is a 256 (i.e., 2^8) robust binary system based on 16 principal odu elements – each coefficient of original 8 odu markings takes binary states of 0 or 1; resulting in 16 principal odu elements. In Ifa divination, the coefficient 2 is geometrically fractalized into 256, which can further be fractalized to build more complex coefficients or sub hierarchies of Odu elements. The Odu elements of Ifa divination system represent all actions and outcomes in the universe, whose prime coefficients determine everything that exists or that could possibly reverse engineer the creation as such. With the Ifa priest as domain expert, he is ordained with the interpretation of Ifa structure and patterns. Since one Odu has to emerge out of possible 256 Odu elements, the probability of having or displaying one Odu is clearly 1/256.

Origin of Ifa Divination System
Some say it originates from Egypt; some say it originates from the Far East; some even say it’s a derivative of Arabic sand cutting divination (science of sand). This is the conventional view among the proponents of “foreign conception” model. In the “local conception” model that I have proposed, Ifa divination system was conceived by indigenous Africans around 12,000 years ago. And it was from Africa that the knowledge spread to the rest of the world. The dualistic or binary aspect of the ancient African world view was precisely what led to the conception and development of Ifa divination system. It is old and well known that Africans use a number system in which they count by multiples of two (Ron Eglash “African Fracals” 1999) – many cases of African mathematics are based on multiples of two. “The presence of doubling as a cultural theme occurs in many African societies, and in many social domains, connecting the sacredness of twins” (Ron Eglash “African Fracals” 1999), male and female principles (see Ankh), anatomical and physiological realities (i.e.,two eyes, two noses, two lips, two hands, two legs, two testes, and two kidneys) etc.  In ancient Egypt, it was widely held that divisibility by 2 was the path to truth (i.e., you can seek the truth via dimidiation, halving of objects - see mitosis). Said another way, ancient Egyptians and Ethiopians understood that any set of positive real numbers could be represented by the sum of powers of two - 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 etc. Basically, the powers of two are place holders for any set of positive real numbers. I must mention, multiplication via halfing and doubling of numbers is perhaps the coolest arithmetic I've ever done, try it. Archeological evidence suggests that ancient Egypt’s use of base 2 calculations was derived from the use of base 2 in the interior of Africa (Zaslavsky, 1973). In non-African systems, base 10 or “Hindu-Arabic” decimal notations were ubiquitous. In fact, the ancient Greeks thought 10 was the sacred of all numbers, but it was in the cultural belief of ancient Africans in nature and duality that grounds the Ifa divination system in base 2 notation.

Ifa and the Birth of Binary Code Theory
It is widely held among ethno and Philo mathematicians here in the West that the binary code theory, which later was the base for Boolean algebra and modern computing system, has its origin in Odu Ifa. The binary system is thought to be a modern system, recently invented for constructing all these wonderful computer systems and mp3 players (Viznut, “The mystery of the Binary” ALT magazine). However, binary system is perhaps the oldest mathematical concept known to mankind. I have established, in my “local conception” model above, the local origin of Ifa divination system. Let me now take you through its diffusion into the power house of 17th century Western Europe. The trajectory path of this diffusion started with the Almoravids (also see the Moors) invasion of Ghana empire around 1070 AD.  It was in the Kingdom of Ghana that the Almoravids were exposed, first hand, to the science of geomancy (i.e., Ifa binary system). At the height of the Almoravid empire in the 11th century, it stretched from West Africa to Al-Andalus (Portugal and Spain). However, the concept of Ifa geomancy would not reach Spain until 12th century AD, when Hugo of Santalla, a well-known alchemist translated the subject from Arabic to Latin. Following the translation to Latin, geomancy was taken up by hermetic/Rosicrucian intellectual elites in Spain and France. Raymond Lull built his “logic machine” on the basis of geomancy and Gott Leibniz (around 1670-1703) applied Lull’s machine to counting; developing geomancy into a robust binary code system (Egondu Onyejekwe et al, “indigenous science for education and development”). We know, in order to recapture the lost wisdom of the ancients, Leibniz obsessively pleaded with the then king of France to invade Egypt. We also know that, in the late 16th century, Leibniz was exposed to I Ching (i.e., Yin Yang hexagram) system, but couldn't make sense of it because of  the language barrier (Franklin Perkins "Leibniz and China" 2004) - Chinese written language has symbolic characters that were not easily understandable and translatable by foreigners of that era. So it's implausible for Leibniz to have developed binary code theory on the basis of I Ching hexagram system. It's a fact, however, that Leibniz was exposed to the binary science of Ifa divination much earlier since it's readily available in Latin. It was this ancient knowledge that Leibniz pieced together to develop the binary code theory we know today.

Is Ifa Deterministic or Stochastic?
It is plausible that Ifa divination is stochastic (i.e., probabilistic or pure chance) because it is not recursive. However, I know without a doubt that Bamana divination technique, excrement of Ifa divination system, commonly used in Senegal is deterministic. In Bamana divination system, the priest use base 2 arithmetic to generate a set of outputs which are further looped back (i.e., recursion) as the next inputs – clearly this system is deterministic since its output depends on its input. This realization led me to a different, yet related, topic – quantum mechanics. We know from our knowledge of relativity that physical and celestial activities are deterministic (i.e., we can determine precisely the movement of earth, on its axis, around the sun; we can determine, simultaneously, the speed and the direction of a moving car); however, sub-atomic activities are stochastic – we encounter unpredictability and uncertainty in the sub-atomic level (i.e., photons behave as waves and particles, the speed and direction of electron cannot be simultaneously determined). We find at the primordial level of our existence some elements of probability distribution. What does this mean? Is our consciousness both deterministic and Stochastic (i.e.,unpredictable)? Einstein didn’t think so because he clearly stated that god was not a trickster, one who is both deterministic and unpredictable. I'm certain that Ifa would answer these questions sooner rather than later.

“To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books.” (Source unknown). To my brothers and sisters who castigate Ifa system without knowing anything about it, it is not too late to move away from the radius of ignorance.

Ibiebe Curvilinear Glyphs

Ibiebe Alphabets and ideograms

Ibiebe is a script of ideographic, geometric, and curvilinear glyphs invented by Bruce Onobrakpeya. The script is rich in symbols, history and traditional customs.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Immaculate Deception Revised

I shall begin with the statement: as above, so below - there is nothing new under the sun. We know that the sun is our local star because the sun is the nearest star to our planet. When the star loses its shine, it crystallizes and then falls from grace and wanders around in space until it is caught up in the orbit of a bigger star with a more powerful gravitational pull. The falling star is the prodigal son/sun, the bigger star is the father, and the earth is the mother (i.e., mother earth - a crystallized sun). Stars have been important to civilizations throughout the world and it is a well-known fact that the natural genesis of our religious practices today lies in the worship of the closest star to us, the sun.

For thousands of years, humans, in their appreciation of the solar power of the sun, made Amen-Ra (i.e., the sun) their greatest god. All of life was a thanksgiving to Amen, and a preparation to enter the spiritual world after death. They lived a life in harmony with the cycles of nature and divided their spiritual age according to the sun movement at the vernal equinox. The ancients were unequivocally monotheistic; however, their spiritual practices manifested externally in a symbolic polytheism. In other words, Aten (i.e., Aton/Atum/Atom/JHVN/Jehova) was always seen as the absolute one, but its divine essence was believed to manifest within each human being. The religious cultists, in their ignorance of the wisdom of the ancients, anthropomorphized the absolute one (i.e., aten) into a savior they could picture outside of themselves. This, I contend, was the first betrayal and the beginning of immaculate deception.

The architect of the first betrayal, as recorded in history, was Amenhotep IV, famously known as Akhenaton. Akhenaton became the sole ruler of Kemet shortly after the death of his father, Amenhotep III. No sooner had he stepped on the throne than he changed his name from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaton, a clear violation of spiritual tradition. He went as far as closing down the Amen temples and changing the name of all the gods to Aten. In other words, he made Aten the exclusive monotheistic god of the land. This controversial departure from the traditional worship of Amen made Akhenaton very unpopular. The powerful Amen priests and other Amen cultists vehemently and violently protested Akhenaton’s decision. To prevent all out civil war, Akhenaton stepped down and his son, Tutankhaten (popularly known as king Tut, the child king) assumed the throne. King Tut (Akhenaton’s son) did not rule for long before he was assassinated by the Amen priests. Every attempt by Akhenaton, with the help of his  supporters, to reclaim the throne proved futile. He fled with his army of supporters into exile around 1335 BCE. While in exile, possibly living amongst his mother’s clan, Akhenaton continued his campaign of monotheistic Aten, which would later evolve into Judaism. History teaches us that, Akhenaton’s mom, queen Tiye was not originally from Kemet, but married into the royal family of Kemet (kmt). Queen Tiye’s  husband was Amenhotep III, Akhenaton’s father.

Many scholars, some of them Jewish, had concluded that the biblical story of Exodus was a dramatized distortion of the historical fight that broke out in Kemet between the “Amenists” and the “Atenists”, which led to the eventual migration of Akhenaton and his army of Atenists out of Kemet. In other words, historically, the story of Exodus as dramatized in the Bible never happened, the biblical Hebrew people were never enslaved in Kemet and biblical Moses was actually Akhenaton, a pharaoh. Sigmund Freud, the one they call the father of psychoanalysis, stated in his book (Moses and Monotheism) that the origin of monotheism could be traced back to the worship of Aten in Kemet and that Moses, whose real name “Moshe” is clearly Egyptian, was indeed an Egyptian. Another Scholar of Jewish extraction, Sholom sand, a professor of history at Tel Aviv University, argued in his controversial book (the invention of Jewish people) that the Palestinians of today had a closer lineage to the ancient Hebrew than the Jewish people of today. He affirmed that the Palestinian Muslims of today were the original descendants of a group of people who were the first converts to Judaism. However, in the Piscean age of Christianity, he stated that these early Jewish converts were forced by the Romans to convert into Christianity and much later into Islam, after the Islamists took over Palestine. Islam, he claimed, the ancient Palestinians found more appealing than Christianity because of its similarity to their original Hebrew faith (Judaism). Dr. Walter Williams made it convincingly clear in his book, historical origin of christianity, that none of the biblical characters (i.e., both old and new testaments) ever existed. He challenged the reader to rethink the previously held supposition concerning the existence of ancient Hebrew people because no such people ever existed in antiquity. He opined that the new testament was written before the old testament and that Judaism was not a B.C religion. Lastly, David S. Sperling, a professor of Bible at Hebrew Union College concluded in his book, The Original Torah, that the tales of the Torah were originally composed as allegories whose purpose was distinctly and intentionally political.

The current writer goes even further to state that most of the stories dramatized in the Torah or the Old Testament were deliberate distortions of common stories and historical events in kemet. For example, the stories of David and Goliath, Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel are obvious replica of the Osirian drama as recited in the Memphite theology. Further still, most of the glorious Hebrew kings (David, Solomon etc.) described in the Torah were actually Kemetic Pharaohs who ruled over much of that region at that time. In fact, most wars the Israelites claimed they won in the bible, they lost. And most of the lands they claimed they conquered were ruled over, one time or another, by the Kemites. This explains why ancient temples, palaces, monuments of biblical proportions are found in Egypt today and none of import has ever been found in Palestine/Israel in spite of the Israeli government commitment to dig for archeological evidence to corroborate the biblical stories. It is one thing to put fancy and glorious stories in your book(s), and it is another thing to back them up with linguistic, archeological and historical evidence. The historical and archeological evidence we have before us today provide support neither for the ancient Isreal origin nor for the five books of Moses. For example, the body of the pharaoh that was claimed to have perished in the Nile river while chasing the Isrealites out of Egypt can be viewed today in its mummified form at the Cairo museum. The pharaoh's name is Ramesses!

The question now is that if the ancient Hebrew were never enslaved in Kemet and if Exodus never happened as depicted in the Bible, why then did the Jewish scribes disparage the Kemites as they did in the Torah. The answer reveals itself when you understand that the tales of the Torah were originally composed as allegories whose purpose was distinctly and intentionally political.

There have been many Christ in history and almost all of them tried to reconcile the monotheistic principle of Aten with the misunderstood cult of Amen. The anointed ones (Christ), unlike the ignorant masses, understood that esoterically the cult of Amen and Aten were synonymous spiritual principles. They preached everywhere they went that man was a microcosm of a macrocosm - while Aten, the absolute one could be a savior outside oneself, the savior could also be within oneself. We know that the anointed ones were unpopular for their preaching and were often crucified.  If you are the kind that is stuck on the color and race of Christ; well, historically Christ had been depicted in different colors and races. For example, there was Heru (Horus), the first mythological Christ, the son of Ausar (the Kemetic god of the underworld). There was Krishna, the mythological Christ of India. There was Serapis Soter, the historical Christ of Ptolemaic-Greco reign in Kemet. There was Yhesua Ben Pandira (Son of Ra), another historical Christ of Greco-Roman reign in Kemet. Lastly, there was Apollonius of Tyana another historical Christ of Greco-Roman reign in Kemet, the father of uber spiritual Essene group in Jerusalem and the supposed writer of the biblical revelation. So there you have it, you can even be Christ if you want. It is not implausible that Serapis Soter is the Christ depicted in the bible today, but the personality and the history infused into this Christ may have been that of Heru (Horus the junior), Tutankhaten (king Tut), Yhesua Ben Pandira, and Apollonius of Tyana. For example, Heru was said to be the son of god, who resurrected as his father, and on judgement day led the soul of the dead to his father after the soul had been weighed against the feather of truth (Maat). Similarly, Jesus the Christ is said to be the son of god, who resurrected after death, and through whom one can reach the father or the father’s kingdom.

Peasants, in their ignorance, see the Christ as the son of God and argue over his color and race. However, men of wisdom know without a doubt that the real Christ is the sun, who dies for us every night in the West, but resurrects for us to live every morning in the East. While Christianity, as a spiritual philosophy in its original form was beautifully conceived in the minds of the Kemites and Hindustans (Hindu-Cush mystery system), the Roman Emperor Constantine turned this beautiful concept into a dogma and political instrument. We learned that Constantine converted the Roman Empire into Christianity when he realized that Christians made excellent soldiers – you tell them they have a special place in heaven and they will fight to death for a cause that is even against their own interest. Mohammedanism sprang up to rectify Constantine’s deception, but it also fell into the dogma of Islam. Today, the two dogmas are in constant battle over supremacy.

In the struggle between the cult of Amen and the cult of Aten, the Atenists won but the Amenists did not really lose because every Atenist still ends his/her prayer with a "shout out" to the sun god, Amen. I hope that in this new age of Aquarius, the civilized humanity would once and for all wake up to the fact that primitive theologies had been deliberately distorted and we have been immaculately deceived.

 Hints, clues and questions
(1) Judeo-Christian Abraham= Islamic Ibrahim = Hindu Brahma.
Brahma was said to have a wife named Saraswati, and Abraham was said to have a wife named Sarah - coincidence? Hinduism preceded Judaism by thousands of years.
(2) Who is Rahman? Did he get demoted to Ramadan?
(3) What connection does El-at or Al-lat have with the moon goddess and Allah?
(4) Did Mohammed ever exist?
(5) What do Kaaba and Kabalah mean?
(6) Was Akhenaton the original writer of the songs of David (i.e., Psalms)?
(7) Did Solomon and Abraham ever exist?
(8) Did Akhenaton destroy Kemetic philosophy and thus Kemet?
(9) Any connection between Kemetic mystery system and Hinduism?
(10) Why did the Semites detest the Kemites – going by what’s written in the Talmud and Hadith about Ham?
(11) Who were the Moors and what was their role in antiquity?
(12) What was the rivalry between the Umayyad and the Abbasid Caliphates or the Sunnis and Shites?
(13) Who is an Arab, or better yet, who is a Semite?
(14) What is the difference between Mohammedanism and Islam, which one came first?
(15) Are the Arabs really in control of Islam Today? If not, who are?
(16) Did the Moors ever come into contact with the Templars?
(17) Does Saturn have any connection with Satan?
(18) What was Rushdie telling us in the “satanic verses” and why was he being haunted by Fatwa?
(19) What is the significance of March the 21st?
(20) Why is January now the first month of the year?
(21) Who changed the Calendar and why?
(22) Do we really know what time it is?
(23) Did Yahweh have a female companion?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Ifa divination, free will and chaos dynamics.

Free will is the power or ability of human beings to make choices that are free of constraints. The concept of free will and its existence have long been debated by beautiful minds over the ages. I am not here to add to this long debate, but I am here to shed some light on how free will is a binary choice in a chaos dynamic system of human activities and how Ifa divination system keeps track of this binary choice.

What is a chaos dynamic system? A chaos dynamic system is a deterministic system that is very sensitive to initial conditions. That is, its future behavior is determined by its initial conditions. For example, human activities, appear to be random and unpredictable, but yet deterministic. Human activities are sensitive to a set of initial conditions: Sex (i.e., male or female), environment (i.e., tropical, arid or temperate), family background (i.e., the kind of family you’re born into), age (i.e., young or old) etc. Thus, human activities are chaos dynamic systems. Weather and war are also good examples of chaos dynamic systems.

In order to fully explain how free will is a binary choice of day to day human activities, I must make a clear distinction between randomness and chaos. I shall illustrate this with a simple example. Let us say I get up every morning and engage in a plurality of daily activities: wake up, get ready for work, buy gas for my car, drive to work, eat breakfast, walk into the office, attend a meeting, have lunch, work in the office, leave work, drive to the gym, work out, prepare dinner, eat dinner, talk on the phone, read and go to bed. Without further explanation, one can see that my daily activities are totally chaotic and filled with binary choices (i.e, the free will of “to do” or “not to do”). In other words, I have the free will of waking up on time to go to work or staying home in bed and not go to work – the choice is mine. So, let us say I decided to wake up and go to work, but on my way to work I decided to pump some gas into my car. While at the gas station, I quickly decided to buy $1 lotto ticket and to my amazement, I won $1 Million dollars.

My decision to buy a lotto ticket at the gas station and my eventual winning of $1 million dollars were totally random because they were independent of initial conditions. Although, I decided to get the lotto ticket while I was fulfilling one of my chaotic daily activities, that decision was random at best. Based on this simple illustration, I can conclude that chaos dynamic systems, like human activities are not totally deterministic because they have some degree of randomness (i.e., free-will binary choice of “to do” or “not to do”). And, it is this randomness (i.e., corrupting noise) that makes chaos dynamic system, though deterministic, very difficult to predict.

How does Ifa divination fit into all of these interesting observations? The role of Ifa divination is to track free will (i.e., a binary choice of 0 or 1, male or female, yin or yang), and to reduce randomness (i.e., corrupting noise) in a chaos dynamic system so as to accurately predict human activities. According to the Yoruba pantheon, our world is a chaotic market place (Aye loja), created on the binary fortune of good and misfortune of evil (Tibi tire la da ile aye), where good character (IWA PELE) and Ise (hard work) bring us closer to good fortune. And, it is out of this chaos-dynamic material world of universal opposites emerged free will as a binary choice.

Ifa priests, in their infinite wisdom, use the binary power of Ifa divination system (i.e.,  even or odd count) to formulate the binary free will choices people make every minute or even second, reduce the randomness in human activities, and predict accurately future human activities based on a set of initial conditions. For example, let us say I want Ifa to tell me what would happen to me in five hours from now. Five hours is a long time from now. In five hours’ time, I will have made a series of binary free will choices that will have introduced randomness (i.e., error/noise) into my activities, making it difficult for Ifa to accurately predict my state/condition.

So what does Ifa do to circumvent this problem? Ifa picks a series of nearby states to my current state/condition and use the geometric coefficients of 2^n (i.e., 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,…..256) as place holders for each of these nearby states – this geometric series of 2^n is called "ODU ifa." In other words, to predict what would happen to me in five hours, it would make more sense to predict what would happen to me in 30 minutes first and geometrically expand my time series to cover five-hour period. The first 30-minute "prediction state" in the series is called the nearby state since it is the closest chosen state to my current/initial state.

In conclusion, the ability of Ifa divination system to make accurate predictions in a chaos dynamic system rests on its binary power and its vast 2^n geometric state-holding coefficients. Understanding the dichotomy between chaos and randomness is key to understanding the dichotomy between classical physics and quantum mechanics and I suspect Ifa system or its principles would one day unify both.

 copyright 10/5/2012.

The suns of god - Potolo-4 CONTD

The year is 2060; we’ve just discovered a new planet called Potolo-4 – named after Potolo (Sirius B), Dogon’s name for the brightest star in the sky. It’s postulated that Potolo-4 is a green planet, and it makes a complete revolution around its orbit at the same rate as a little known planet called PH1. What’s unique about Potolo-4 is that it has four suns and it’s found habitable with substantial amount of Atom1 (Hydrogen) and Atom8 (Oxygen).

Ten years before the discovery of Potolo-4, a little known independent congressman from Seattle had successfully convinced the congress to pass a bill to fund professor Oyinbo’s unified field theory. The congressman’s effort paid off, big time. With the help of Oyinbo’s theory, the scientific community was able to unify all the known forces in our planet into one. With this scientific breakthrough, the technology to reach Potolo-4 is readily available. While we still cannot beat the speed of light, we are much closer to it. This, I must say, is the official story.

According to the leaked classified information, Potolo-4 was actually discovered in the year 2010, right before we entered into the Age of Aquarius. Our entrance into the much anticipated Age of Aquarius caused a universal bump which reverberated throughout our galaxy. Due to this galactic reverberation, PH1 suddenly started to spin at a faster rate than Potolo-4, which made it easier for our space telescope to finally pick up the new planet, Potolo-4.

Contrary to the official report, congress has been clandestinely funding exploration to Potolo-4 since 2011 - a year after the planet was actually discovered. And, the first exploration to Potolo-4 started in 2012, shortly after it was discovered that the planet could sustain life. There have been reports that NASA explorers had discovered a sprawling civilization in the southern part of the planet, the part which may not be habitable for humans, and had covertly transported terrorists and prisoners of war to the north eastern part, the further part from the equator.

The southern part of the planet is described as a green space; perhaps, because every organic life there is covered with “green matter” – from the plants to the beings. It is not implausible that the universal presence of green matter is an adaptive feature, which protects the organic lives out there from the deadly rays of four suns.

If humans need green matter, a substance already identified to be 99.9% chlorophyll, to survive in the southern part of Potolo-4; so, how do we conquer and colonize the Potolians? Is it plausible? Is it even doable? An unsubstantiated report states that Nasa explorers have managed to kidnap two Potolians in the north, and have been trying to synthesize their green matter in the lab. Another unsubstantiated report states that while the brain cells of these kidnapped Potolians were being monitored, there was a slight movement in their right brain cells when shown a picture of a woman. And, the movement intensified when the picture was replaced with that of a very attractive woman.

Many scientists believe that with the help of Oyibo’s unified field theory, we can synthesize chlorophyll not without much effort, and it’s only a matter of time before we conquer and colonize the Potolians. The battle ready terrorists are still waiting for their artificial green matter/chlorophyll suits to protect them from the deadly sun rays in the southern atmosphere. In the meantime, Nasa and the department of defense are currently conducting war games in the Northern space of Potolo-4.

Back here on earth, in the US Congress to be specific, the maverick independent Seattle congressman stood before the Congress and said: “Finding new habitable planets is paramount to our survival and determining whether these planets can actually sustain life should be the holy grail of astronomy. I stand before you today to tell you that a habitable planet has indeed been found, but has not yet been colonized. Our focus now should be on colonizing this new planet for our survival. I am confident that we can achieve this without military intervention as we have been told that the resident creatures of our new planet, whom I call the sons of god, love the beautiful daughters of men. Gentlemen, to conquer the sons of god, we may need to mate them with the daughters of men."

It has been two years since the two Potolians were captured in the North, but communicating with them has just been settled. About two years ago, a group of scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced they had developed artificial emotional intelligence for human-machine interaction. This technology was originally developed for robots to mimic human emotional intelligence, and is now being used by the NASA scientists to communicate with the captured Potolians.
In one of the decoded communications with the Potolians, the Potolians claimed they came from what appears to be an earth like planet in the constellation Orion, but they had to leave their original planet because their civilization got out of hands to an extent that they used up every energy source in their environment. The quest to find new sources of energy to support their advanced Type-1 civilization led them to Potolo-4. Even here in Potolo-4, they opine, they are fast running out of energy; so, there is a constant need to search for another planet with abundant energy.

In another communication, one of the NASA scientists asked the captured Potolians if they ever came into contact with humans. They responded that they might have because after they lost their original planet, they visited a few others similar to the one they once had, but none was conducive enough for their Type-1 advanced civilization and their current molecular structure. They claimed their molecular structure has changed so much from its original form that it’s now impossible for them to inhabit an earthlike planet for more than a few seconds, whereas all they ever wanted was to go back to their original planet or found another similar to it. In their original planet, they opined, they lived in peace and harmony with nature; however, this all changed when their rapidly changing civilization dried up every energy source in their environment. Today, the Potolians have to constantly move from one planet to another to support their rapidly changing civilization and their ever changing molecular structure. Could this be the human fate?

The fallacy of an absolute perfect or imperfect state.

Can a finite or infinite space exist in absolute perfection or even in absolute imperfection? I shall attempt to answer this question by using the knowledge of universal binary opposites or harmonious duality. What is a universal binary opposite? The concept of binary opposites is a universal human truth that permeates everything in our planet. Binary opposites form the basic structure of all human cultures, all human realities, all human thought processes, and all human choice systems (i.e., free will). In fact, our reality would be non-existent if the concept of binary/polar opposites is non-functional.

In my previous thesis “free will and chaos dynamic systems,” I attempted to show that free will was a binary choice of “to do” or “not to do.” The only way we are conscious of what to do is because there exists a binary pair of what “not to do.” For example, the only way we are conscious of element A is because there exits element B to compare it to; without B, the reality of A is non-existent. Similarly, the only way we are conscious of “light” is because of the existence of its binary pair, “dark.” The concept of light only manifests in the existence of dark, for light can only be fully understood when it is compared to dark. Moreover, the only way we are conscious of good is through the existence of evil, for good would only manifest in the presence of its binary pair, evil.

In the theory of universal binary opposites or contrast in nature, “good and evil” or “heaven and hell” have no real existence, since everything in nature can only exist by means of its contrast. One may describe a thing as good or evil, heaven or hell according to how one is influenced by the natural course of the contrast. This theory underscores the logical argument that it is impossible for a finite or infinite space to exist in absolute perfection or imperfection. Many believers swear by the existence of heaven and hell after death. The idea that a soul would occupy a perfect or imperfect space, eternally, after death is ludicrous. Let us examine this idea very quickly. Heaven is an absolute perfect space and hell is an absolute imperfect space; so, the only way a soul would recognize and occupy paradise in its absolute perfection is if and only if imperfection also exists in the same space. Similarly, the only way a soul would recognize and occupy hell in its absolute imperfection is if and only if perfection also exists in the same space - the concept of heaven or hell is the reality of our current existence. You cannot be conscious of a “thing” without the existence of its binary or polar opposite. In fact, you cannot be conscious of God without the existence of its binary pair, devil or Satan - the day Satan manifests itself in a physical form is the day god also manifests itself in a physical form. The present writer considers this to have been the reason why it's written in most religious texts, in a very elementary level, that god created Satan to cause confusion in the world. What the esoteric writers of the religious texts were saying was that God and Satan were binary opposites or perfect antithesis of good and evil and must occupy the same space for human mind’s comprehension.

If we look at the supposed Garden of Eden, man was forced to leave this garden in its absolute perfection because Eve convinced Adam to eat the forbidden fruit of good and evil from the tree of knowledge – we are all familiar with this story. As elementary and metaphorical as this story may sound, it actually lends credence to the principle of universal binary opposites. How? Well, if Adam and Even had not left the Garden of Eden, they would have died out of boredom of absolute perfection - they had to leave. They had to descend into the world of universal binary opposites to gain consciousness of what is good and what is evil (i.e., the tree of knowledge of good and evil). So, if man had to leave an absolute perfect garden, man would never return to such a garden since absolute perfection or imperfection is non-existent. There are those who would argue that the womb and the tomb are well known absolute perfect spaces and the idea that such spaces are non-existent is inaccurate. While this may be a sound argument; however, the womb and the tomb, though perfect, do not sustain perfection eternally. For example, the womb only sustains life for nine months, sometimes less, and after that a child is born into the material world of universal binary opposites. Same can be said of the tomb, which is occupied provisionally by the body and never once by the soul. This present writer contends that the womb and the tomb are in fact perfect antithesis of life and death.

Even on a more esoteric level, we learned that the absolute one (atom) in its absolute perfection descended into the material world of universal binary opposites (i.e., protons and electrons) to know itself. Atom is the basic unit of matter. The absolute one (hydrogen atom) compounds itself into many, and we are, in turn, one of the many aspects of the absolute one. This is synonymous to the concept of divine androgyny mentioned in the Bible: God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27). What is this creation the religious text is talking about? It is the creation of universal binary opposites – positive or negative, male or female, proton or electron, good or evil, night or day, to do or not to do, strong or weak, electricity or magnetism, 0 or 1, even or odd, like or dislike, and the list is endless. You cannot have one without the other because they are one and the same. In the Medieval Kabbalah, the sin of Adam is described as separating the oneness that exists between the binary opposites or polar pairs (i.e., the male Divine and female Shechina), by eating from the tree of knowledge before the tree of life - two aspects of the Sephirot. In the Yoruba pantheon, our world is described as a chaotic market place (Aye loja), created on the binary fortune of good and the misfortune of evil (Tibi tire la da ile aye), where good character (IWA PELE) and Ise (hard work) bring you closer to good fortune. The writer considers Yoruba's knowledge of harmonious duality to be the reason why twin children are regarded as pseudo-deity (i.e., Orisha) since twins are natural perfect “two truths."

In conclusion, every esoteric texts or even religious texts you may find talk about the fall of man from a level of absolute perfection into a chaos dynamic space of universal opposites. What is being said is that an absolute perfect space is unstable and it is almost impossible to occupy such a space. The scientific inclined minds would recognize that an absolute perfect space has zero entropy level (i.e., infinite density) and an absolute imperfect space has infinite entropy level (i.e, zero density) - two levels that are well-known to be unattainable. Man left the garden of absolute perfection and man shall never return to the same space for such a space is absolutely unstable and non-existent. It is amazing how the ancients in their infinite wisdom concluded that the soul is born, not created and would transmigrate, not die – karmic reincarnation of soul. And, we in our infinite wisdom concluded that the soul would die, be judged and occupy an eternal absolute perfect or imperfect space. You be the judge!

 Copyright 11/2/2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The symbolic representation of life forces in pagan mythologies.

At the African museum in D.C is the sculpture of an old Yoruba man, carrying atop his head the creative union of cosmic Lingam and Yoni. I found this non-superficial sculpture very interesting because it bears a striking resemblance to the Hindu divine union of male and female energy – the “two-in –oneness” of Shiva Lingam and Shakti Yoni.

 The symbolic representation of the male and female creative essence of life permeates many ancient cultures. In many pagan myths, wells or cosmic Yoni represent the female aspects to life whereas pillars, phallus or Lingam represent the male aspects to life. Today, we see the same symbolism being taken over and carried on in religious philosophies and architectures. Among these religious architectures, the four most  famous are: the Vatican veranda, the KaabaZamZam well, and the dome of the rock. At the main veranda of the Vatican is the Osirian phallus (obelisk), protruding out of the cosmic Yoni of Auset (Isis). TheKaaba, in Mecca, is a symbolic representation of Shiva Lingam, and the ZamZam well next to it is a symbolic representation of Shakti fluid and Yoni. Lastly, the dome of the rock, in Jerusalem, is nothing but a symbolic representation of Shiva Lingam, the primordial male creative principle. 

I’m a firm believer that the sequential order of all knowledge is: mythology, metaphysics, philosophy, theology and science, where every mythology is essentially archaic theology. I’m also a firm believer that all knowledge has a common or natural genesis. Thus, if the symbolic representation of male and female creative essence permeates many ancient pagan cultures (i.e., Indus valley, Nile valley, Niger valley etc.); so, where is the natural genesis of this symbolism?

                                                                ZamZam well
The Kaaba

                                                                     The vatican Veranda
                                                                 The dome of the Rock