Thursday, May 10, 2018

Is Jesus a Phantom Copy of Horus?

I’ve always been asked the following questions: if the story of Jesus is a phantom copy of the Horus and Mithra myths and if Horus and Mithra allegedly preceded Jesus chronologically, then can the assumption be made that Jesus was created as a phantom copy of Horus and Mithra? Two, can one simply conclude that the story of Jesus was plagiarized from the Horus and Mithra myths?”

No, the story of Jesus was not plagiarized from the Horus and Mithra myths, nor was Jesus created as a phantom copy of Horus or Mithra.

The story of Jesus and the myths of Horus and Mithra all came from the same source and were possibly written by the same authors around the same time.

So, what’s the common source of the story of Jesus and the myths of Horus and Mithra? The story of Jesus and the myths of Horus and Mithra were grafted from the  epigraphs on the walls of ancient Egyptian Temples - pictures they say speak a thousand words, and the ones on the walls of ancient Egyptian Temples live on on the pages of the Bible. I encourage my readers to engage in their our own diligent perusal of the ancient Egyptian epigraphs to reach their own conclusions. 

Now, if Jesus was not created as a phantom copy of Horus or Mithra, then what was Jesus created as? Jesus was created as a composite god in the likeness of Serapis while Serapis was created in the likeness of Osiris and Apis the bull. 

It suffices to know that nearly all the Greco-Roman gods came from Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya (see “the Black Athena” by Martin Barnal). For example, the Greco-Roman god, Zeus, was the same god as the hidden god of ancient Egypt called Amen. Today, Christians end their prayers by calling on the hidden god of ancient Egypt, Amen.


The end of a dynasty.
One expedition into Yoruba heartland after another, the Fula Muhammendans destroyed, pillaged and depopulated Yoruba towns and kingdoms. Ifa and men of foresight had predicted the calamity that finally befell Yoruba kingdoms in the hands of Fula Muhammedans, but jealousy and rivalry among the Yoruba war-chiefs prevented unity of purpose. Whenever there was a war with the Fula Muhammedans, who had captured Ilorin, these chiefs usually acted against their own real and national interests, either by betraying their own nation and people or by colluding with the enemy. As a consequence of the inappropriate behavior among the chiefs, Yoruba country was weakened and it became an easy prey to the Fula Muhammedans who swore to rule over the entire Yorubaland. In fact, at one point, the capital city of the most powerful Yoruba Kingdom, Oyo, became tributary to Ilorin. This would change when Oluewu ascended the throne of Alaafin.

Soon after Oluewu’s accession, Shitta (the Muhammedan king of Ilorin) requested Oluewu to come to Ilorin, in person, to pay homage to him as his vassal, but Oluewu declined until he was advised, not without much effort, by his great chiefs to honor the request. Oluewu travelled to Ilorin where he was received with every mark of honor and distinction; but all the same, the shame and disgrace of it all, with unspoken resentment rankled in the chest of Alaafin Oluewu. Oluewu felt his humiliation keenly and was determined to resent it at all cost or die in the attempt. But that was not all; the Emir of Ilorin (Shitta) sent Jimba (his head servant) to place a copy of the Quran in the palace of Alaafin in Oyo, ransack the palace and bring anything of value he could find back to Ilorin.

Shortly after his first visit to Ilorin, Oluewu received a second request from Shitta, requiring Oluewu to come over to Ilorin to perform the humiliating ceremony known as “tapping the Quran” in order to become a true Muhammedan, but Oluewu flatly declined. Effort to get him to honor the request by his chiefs proved futile. Oluewu had had enough. Knowing fully well that his refusal could cost him his throne or even his life, he decided to launch a pre-emptive war against Ilorin once and for all. He invited the Baribas, who were excellent archers, to assist him in his war campaign against Shitta and Ilorin. Oluewu went to war with Ilorin; unfortunately, he was betrayed by his top generals and fell on the battle field. Oluewu death marked the end of the real traditional dynasty in Oyo - nearly 180 years ago, today.😥

Johnson, S. (1921). “The history of the Yorubas....”

Why Is Ifa Divination System a Base2 System?

A curious Awo recently asked me, "why is it that Ifa is a base 2 system and not a base 6 system like a common dice?"

First off, to understand the ethno-mathematical structure of Ifa system, one must understand basic probability, exponents and the basis of natural numbers.

There's no secret as to why Ifa is a base 2 system. Nature, for the most part, operates as a base 2 system (Tibi Tire). The two legs of Ifa, the Chinese I Ching and even the computer systtem were created to simulate nature. Consequently, they're all base 2 systems. This explains why each shell in the 4x2 quantum Opele chain has two sides and why supplicants commonly phrase their questions, to Ifa, as two mutually exclusive affirmatives. 

Structurally, not only can each two-sided shell, in the 4x2 quantum Opele chain, be used to simulate nature (I.e. the dualistic decision making process of the human mind), it can also be adapted to produce bits of information. However, a six-sided dice (base 6 system) just does not have this structural advantage. In other words, a six-sided dice cannot capture the dualistic decision making process of the human mind. Consequently, it cannot be used to produce information to aid decisions. 

In other words, There's no question that a 4x2 quantum dice chain (6^8 possibilities) has more computational power than a 4x2 quantum Opele chain (2^8 possibilities). However, a six-sided dice has a structural limitation. It cannot capture the dualistic process of decision making. Consequently, quantum dice chain cannot be used to produce information to aid decisions. 

Has the Hieroglyphics Ever Been Deciphered?

The question that I've been asked, over and over again, is this: "has the hieroglyphics ever been deciphered." This is a very sensitive question. Consequently, it's always been met with a polite parry, but I'll attempt to answer it as briefly as possible regardless of whose feelings may be hurt. 

The hieroglyphics is the pictographic ancient Egyptian writing system. It's supposedly ideographic, phonographic, determinative and complex. 

1. Ibn Wahshiyya the Nabataean (circa 8th-10th Century CE) was allegedly one of the first historians to be able to at least partly decipher what was written in the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

2. Thomas Young (of the famed double-slit experiment in quantum physics, circa 1773-1829 CE) was an English polymath who made significant contributions in the decipherment of ancient Egyptian writing scripts including hieroglyphics.

3. Jean-Francois Champollion (circa 1790-1832 CE) was a French scholar who's credited for allegedly deciphering the hieroglyphics; although, there were accusations of plagiarism. Champollion' system of decipherment rested on Thomas Young's earlier works.

4. Joseph Fourier (of Fourier Series in Engineering and Applied Math, circa 1768-1830 CE) was a French mathematician, arguably one of the greatest mathematicians ever, who provided Champollion with some knowledge of calculus and statistics which allegedly helped in the decipherment of the hieroglyphics. Fourier was one of the scientists who accompanied Napoleon on the Egyptian expedition (circa 1799 CE). It's this expedition that led to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone - a trilingual stone; a key device in the decipherment. 

Both Young and Champollion reverse engineered the demotic Egyptian script on the Rosetta Stone to decipher the pictographic hieroglyphics. Young relied heavily on calculus and statistics in his system while Champollion relied heavily on Coptic, a language thought to be closely related to the ancient Egyptian language.

1. That all the three writing scripts and texts on the Rosetta Stone have the same meaning.

2. That the hieroglyphics is both ideographic and phonetic. 

Now, has the hieroglyphics been deciphered?
First off, even if I agree that the Rosetta Stone is authentic and not fictitious, the two assumptions above have to be correct for me to somewhat agree that the hieroglyphics has been deciphered. Secondly, if the hieroglyphics is indeed ideographic and phonetic. I agree, that one can map Latin alphabets (which English is based on) to the phonetic alphabets of the Egyptian script, but it's absolutely impossible for one to map same to ideographic alphabets. For example, under the Yoruba system, double stripes is a symbol of one of the two legs of Ifa. But here, in the West, double stripes is Adidas. In other words, you cannot arbitrarily map phonetic alphabets to symbols or ideograms like the pictographic hieroglyphics except if you're present in the culture from whence the symbols emanate. So, to the extent that I can't independently substantiate the two assumptions that were made above, I don't believe that the pictographic hieroglyphics texts of the ancient Egyptians has ever been deciphered.

I hope this answer your question. Ire o.

Odu Ose Otura

If I were to personify Ifa, I would say Ifa was the first feminist in the traditional Yoruba society.

In the Odu Ose Otura, Ifa speaks unequivocally about gender equality (not to be confused with gender role), and it goes something like this: "In anything we do, if we do not guarantee the place of women, that thing will not succeed. We should acknowledge the power of women, if we acknowledge the power of women, the world will be more balanced and peaceful.” Basically, this odu teaches us that men and women are equal, and men should not undervalue women.

The question is: if Ifa, which is the totality of Yoruba's spiritual, moral and natural philosophies, frowns upon the oppression of women and speaks so explicitly and eloquently about gender equality in the traditional Yoruba society, why then do we find traces of misogyny in the Yoruba society, today? Let's look no further than the religious proselytizing of the Abrahamic faiths (mainly Christianity and Islam) in the Yorubaland.

In other words, misogyny, as a concept, was introduced into most African societies; more specifically, Yorubaland by the Christian missionaries and Mohammedan Islamists. And as evidenced by the Odu Ifa verse above, prior to the advent of Christianity and Islam, misogyny was totally frowned upon in the traditional Yoruba society.

In fact, it suffices to know that, in the Old Kingdom, the Alaafin and the Oyomesi rejected Mohammedanism, now Islam, as the religion of the state, for its misogynistic doctrines, leading to an all out war and the enslavement of the Yorubas by the Mohammedans and the the Portuguese.

All in all, be a man; respect the womb. Look your lady in the eye; plant a kiss into her lips; recite Odu Ose Otura into her ears and tell her how much she complements you. 

Analyzing the Roman Civilizations

Studying history should not be a fruitless exercise in the memorialization and recitation of facts; rather, it should be an exercise in the interrogation of the past in order to fully understand the present and to control both present and future realities. Consequently, for one to fully understand the current world order, one must study, diligently, the history of the three Roman civilizations. 

The history of the three Roman civilizations as we've reconstructed it is not the same history you're taught, by the "quackerdemics," in your traditional history class. In other words, you're not going to be reading about Caesar and Cleopatra, here, for those are titles and not historical figures.

The three Roman civilizations were maritime civilizations by all standards, for they all developed out of the need to control the Mediterranean Sea.

The first Roman civilization or the first Rome was established in the Delta region of Egypt, now Alexandria - the Egyptians control the Nile River while the Romans control the South East axis of the Mediterranean Sea. This civilization lasted for nearly four centuries before it was forcefully usurped by the Mohammedan Saracens around 6th-7th Century of the Common Era. 

Having lost their maritime control of the South East corridor of the Mediterranean Sea (I.e. The North of Egypt), the Romans rebuilt their second civilization in the North Central axis of the Mediterranean Sea (I.e. Present day Turkey). In other words, the second Roman civilization or the second Rome (I.e. Byzantine) was established in Constantinople, present day Turkey, where the Roman patriarchs built the first Christian church, the church of Hagia Sophia. Contrary to the teachings of traditional history, the so-called Ancient Greece was actually part of the Byzantine civilization of second Rome. In other words, Greece and Constantinople were part of Byzantine civilization. And while Constantinople was the political capital of Byzantine, Greece was its intellectual capital. It suffices to say, the second Rome lasted for nearly seven Centuries before it was forcefully usurped by the Ottoman and the Seljukian Turks around 15th Century of the Common Era.

Again, having lost their maritime supremacy, over the North Central axis of the Mediterranean Sea, the Romans once more moved their civilization to the Italian Peninsula, where they situated their spiritual capital in the Vatican City (I.e. St. Peter's Basilica); their intellectual capital in Florence and their economic capital in Venice, the water city (misnomer Phoenicia). In other words, the third Roman civilization or the third Rome is the new Rome we're all familiar with, today.

In conclusion, it's highly imperative for a student of history to carefully study the three Roman civilizations above, for such a student would understand the following:
1. Every major conflict of the world emanates not from "isms" or religion but from the struggle over resources - "isms" are only used to intellectualize the struggle while religion is used to spiritualize it. The conflict between the West and the Middle East is not a religious war as now implied; rather, it's a fierce fight over control of resources. 
2. Traditional history is a work of fiction.
3. The European civilization developed, largely, in Africa (Egypt) and Constantinople (Turkey) and not in Greece as now implied.
4. The Venetian (misnomer Phoenician) bankers, who profited immensely from the Crusades, were the same bankers that financed Transatlantic slavery. They had since relocated, from Venice to London, shortly after the Church of England broke away from the Catholic church, where they control the world affairs till date. 
5. The so-called Ancient Phoenician city, in traditional history, was actually the water city of Venice - Venetians=Phoenicians.
6. The the so-called history of Ancient Greece and Rome, as chronicled in traditional history, was a recycled history of Byzantine civilization of second Rome, in the Middle Ages.
7. All the so-called Classical Greek philosophers and thinkers, from Homer to Aristole, lived in Constantinople (the second Rome) in the Middle Ages.
8. The Greek civilization=Byzantine civilization of second Rome.
9. Christianity=European cultural supremacy.
10. Islam=Arab cultural supremacy.
11. Caesar and Cleopatra never existed as historical figures. Caesar was a male title and Cleopatra was a female title.
12. There was no ancient Israel anywhere on this planet.
13. Columbus "discovered" America because the Mohammedan Moors and Turks controlled the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean in the 15th Century of the Common Era.
14. The Latin script was developed in the third Rome while the so-called Grecian script, in its original form, was an Egyptian script.
15. Jesus and Mohammed never existed as historical figures. 
16. The world runs on deception.

17. Ancient Egypt essentially collapsed because of its inability to access the Mediterranean Sea and trade with the East - whoever controls the sea controls the trade.

Doubling in Classical Literature

In his well researched book, "Forgers and Critics," Speyer Grafton detailed some of the hidden forgeries in classical literature. Joe Atwill shared a similar view with Grafton in his book, "Caesar's Messiah," in which he wrote the following:

"The Jesus character in the gospels has all of these events in his life that come from the Old Testament. The story of Jesus describes Joseph going to Egypt, the pharaoh massacring the boys, then he returns from Egypt, gets baptized, and goes to the wilderness for 40 days and has his three temptations. In the Old Testament, in Genesis, Joseph goes to Egypt, the pharaoh massacres the boys, then he returns from Egypt to Israel, where there's a baptism. Then he goes into the wilderness for 40 years. When you see the pattern, it is all duplicity and fiction."

What Atwill described as duplicity is what I call doubling. In writing, it's called phantom doubling or an act of creating multiple copies of the same story. But, in acting, it's called role doubling or an act of casting one actor for multiple roles in one movie scene. 

Below are some of the phantom copies in classical literature. 

1. The story of the Trojan war is a phantom copy of the historical story of the crusade.

2. The story of Alexandria the Great is a phantom copy of the historical story of Mehmed II, the Great conqueror of Constantinople.

3. The story of Sampson in the Old Testament is a phantom copy of the story of Herakles in the Greek mythology, possibly written by the same author.

4. The story of Cain and Abel is a phantom copy of the story of Set and Osir in the Egyptian mythology, possibly written by the same author.

5. The story of Roman Empire in the West is a phantom copy of the historical story of Byzantium Rome.

6. The story of Genghis Khan is a phantom copy of the historical story of the Seljukian and Ottoman Turkish invaders of Western Asia and North Africa.

7. The story of Persia is a phantom copy of the historical story of the Sassanid empire of Iran. The former is biblical (fake); the latter is historical (real).

8. The story of Exodus in the Bible is a phantom copy of the story of the Hyksos in ancient Egypt.

9. The story of Moses, in the Bible, is a phantom copy of the story of Amenhotep the IV (Akhenaton) possibly written by the same author using the Egyptian epigraphs as a guide.

10. The stories of Homer, Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle are phantom copies of the historical stories of Saint Omer, Gemisto Pletho, Socrates Scholasticus, and   georgios gennadios scholarios respectively.

11.The story of the fall of Jerusalem is a phantom copy of the historical story of the fall of the double-walled city of Constantinople.

12. Jesus was created as a phantom copy of Serapis, who, in turn, was created as a phantom copy of the mythological father, Osir (the Sun).

13.The stories of Jesus, Horus and Krishna 

are phantom copies of the same story written by the same author, using the Egyptian epigraphs as a guide.

Traditional Crypto Scheme

It will take 28 years for a prey that migrates every 7 years to be eaten by a predator that migrates every 4 years. However, it will only take 12 years for a prey that migrates every 6 years to be eaten by a predator that migrates every 4 years. So, by choosing odd years to migrate, the former prey extends its life expectancy by 16 years.

Interestingly, in the Old Oyo Kingdom, in the time of war, the Alaafin (I.e. the commander in chief of armed forces) and the Oyomesi (I.e. traditional senators) often chose odd days to send cryptic messages (I.e Aroko) to the Aare  Onakakanofo (I.e. Generalissimo) on the battle field.

Wait for it: in pure math, it's found that most odd numbers are prime, and they're very difficult to guess in a sequence, making them excellent crypto keys. In fact, very recently, anthropologists discovered an insect in South America that uses a prime-numbered life-cycle to drive natural selection.

We can modernize the above crypto-scheme with the use of Odu Ifa binary ciphers. The Odu Ifa literary corpus is said to comprise 16 books with 256 chapters. The first book in the Ifa corpus is the book of Ogbe; the book of Ogbe has the most chapters in the Ifa literary corpus (I.e. 31 chapters). It suffices to know that 31 is a prime number, making Odu Ogbe the most reliable book for encrypting data in the Odu Ifa binary suite. In other words, a sender can hide information in one of the 31 chapters of Ogbe and share the key/cipher secretly with the recipient. 

Understanding the Hierarchy of Odu Ifa

Part of understanding the hierarchy of Odu Ifa is the mastery of the position of each Odu in the Ifa corpus chart and the structure of the two legs of Ifa. 

There are 256 Odu in the Ifa corpus. 16 out of these 256 Odu have symmetric legs (I.e. identical right and left legs), and they’re collectively called the Meji Odu or the major Odu Ifa (Ogbe-Meji et al). The 16 Meji Odu are senior to the remaining 240 asymmetric Odu (minor Odu) in the Ifa corpus. 

Normally, when divining, the Opele Qchain is cast twice. The rank of the Odu which emerges in the first and second casting will determine the choice to be made by the diviner. For example, If during the first casting, the Opele Qchain randomly generates an asymmetric Odu (I.e. omo Odu or minor Odu); say, Ogbe-Irosun and in the second casting, the Opele Qchain generates a symmetric Odu (i.e. major Odu); say, Ogbe-Meji, the diviner would choose Ogbe-Meji over Ogbe-Irosun because Ogbe-Meji is senior to Ogbe-Irosun on the Ifa corpus chart. Conversely, if Ogbe-Irosun emerges from the first casting and Irosun-Ogbe emerges from the second casting, the diviner would choose Ogbe-Irosun because the right leg is senior to the left leg. 

It suffices to know that if Ogbe-Meji (aka Ejiogbe) or even Ofun Meji emerge from the first casting, there’s no need for any other casting because Ogbe-Meji is the father and the leader of all the Odu in the Ifa corpus while Ogun-Meji is the eldest of the Odu.

This technical information about the hierarchy of Odu Ifa is non-superficial; has interesting applications in pure and applied math, computer science, quantum mechanics and cryptography. 

Ifa Divination System & Choice Theory: is the human mind computable?

In his Magnus Opus, “Shadows of the Mind,” Roger Penrose asked the A.I (artificial intelligence) community if the human mind was computable in principle and in practice. Interestingly, I asked myself a similar question the first time I was exposed to the technological information that’s embedded in Ifa divination system. And I hope every student of Ifa would try to supply a well-thought out answer to this question in their study of Ifa divination system.

The question I asked myself was, “if Ifa divination is indeed a pseudo random number generator and a multi-dimensional information retrieval system and if human actions (product of the human mind) are indeed deterministic, in principle; yet, pseudo-random, in reality, can a traditional system like Ifa divination system predict accurately the outcome of human actions? In other words, if two adults agree to go on a date, can Ifa divination system predict accurately the outcome of their date?

To answer this question, one must understand the human mind, the human thought process and choice theory. The human thought process is very complex and chaotic. However, the human mind, like a digital computer and Ifa divination system, manages this complexity by reducing every human action into binary choices (0 and 1). Suffice to say, an observer can only perceive the outcome of a choice and not the latent factors, in our thought process, that’s responsible for the choice that we make and the outcome that we perceive.

It appears to me that the divinatory instrument of Opele (I.e. the Opele quantum chain) was invented to model the human thought process, capture the binary choices that humans face, and predict the typical outcome of a choice. The Opele quantum chain has 8 quantum tokens, each quantum token has two  superposed sides (concave and convex, 0 and 1), which is adapted to capture the basic binary choices that we face. In addition, the 8 tokens, combined, can generate 256 pseudo-random patterns, which are adapted to model the range of possible outcomes of human choice.

In conclusion, Ifa divination system uses the probability of numbers to simulate human binary choices and outcome. Consequently, it can indeed, in practice, make recommendations and predict the typical outcome of a human choice. 

Ifa is the totality of Yoruba mythology, epistemology, metaphysics and philosophy. Study it and its divination system.