Saturday, September 7, 2013

Odu "gba were mesin" - Blind Faith.

In the Odu “gba were mesin”......a young initiate from the temple of Ast sought consultation with IFA. IFA warned the young one of an imminent flood, but advised the young one to be prepared and to have faith. Three days after the warning, there was a great flood in the land. The young initiate rushed out of his house to escape the flood, but was swept away by the heavy current into the pool of water where he started to drown.
While drowning, three different boats came one after the other to rescue the young one. But to the rescuers' dismay, the young one refused to get on the boat. He maintained that his salvation was in the hands of IFA, not in the hands of the rescuers, and that his strong faith in IFA would rescue him from the flood. The last rescuer reluctantly left just like the one before him, and the young initiate eventually drowned.
At his death, the young initiate reunited with IFA in the underworld where he protested to IFA for not being saved despite his strong faith in him. IFA responded "I sent three boats to rescue you, but your blind faith prevented you from getting on any of them; so, for your blind faith, you prematurely relegated yourself to the underworld." It is in the underworld the young initiate remains till date.