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The bust of Serapis. Serapis Soter ( a.k.a Ptolemy I Lagi ) was the first historical savior and the first historical Greek ruler of ancient Egypt. |
The fights between the monophysites and dyophysites lasted for almost 1000 years, but to fully understand the nearly 1000 years of struggle between these two opposing groups and the eventual truce that led to the creation of “Abrahamic triad,” one has to study and expose the origin of soteriology. Soteriology is simply the study of soul salvation. In the Christian doctrine of the West, the theory of soul salvation is linked with vicarious atonement – the idea that your salvation depends on the death of Christ. However, in the Hindu-Cush mystery system of the East, the theory of soul salvation is linked with personal responsibility – that is, you’re solely responsible for your own salvation.
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Ausar (i.e., Osiris). Osiris was the primary deity of ancient Egypt. In power, he was second only to his father, Ra, and was the leader of the gods on earth. He was the husband of Isis and the father of Horus. |
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Ausar sitting on the great throne of judgement in the underworld where the soul of the dead is weighed against the feather of truth or Maat. |
Ptolemy I Lagi had long gone, but the cult of Serapis he created remained. The Greco reign in ancient Egypt lasted for almost 300 years until it was forcefully overthrown by the Romans. Though conquered by the Romans, the Egyptians spread their cult of Serapis and its derivatives like wild fire to Rome. It must be said that while the Romans conquered ancient Egypt militarily, the ancient Egyptians conquered Rome spiritually. When the aftershock of Serapis tsunami finally reached Rome, the indigenous pagan cult of Rome was swept into the dustbin of history. Roman elders, under Constantine, felt threatened under the invasion of a foreign cult. They quickly devised a control strategy which they found in dyophysitism. Dyophysitism is a theological doctrine that recognizes the dual nature of Christ, the divine and the human. At the council of Nicaea I, Constantine and the appointed Roman elders accepted Serapis as Christ the savior (i.e., Soter Christos), with dual nature of divine and man. Dyophysitism emerged after the council of Nicaea I, but the Coptic Egyptians who originally introduced the cult of Serapis to Rome utterly rejected dyophysitism because they only recognized the divine Osiris-like characteristics in Serapis, but could not recognize Serapis as human. These Coptic Egyptians who only recognized the divine nature of Serapis, now Christ, were known in history as Monophysites. The council of Nicaea I marked the beginning of a long struggle between the monophysites and the dyophysites.
In spite of the disagreements between the monophysites and the dyophysites about the nature of the created Christ, Christianity developed in the Roman Empire, where it became the official religion of the Empire. However, the disagreements divided Christianity and its central authority into two distinct units. The monophysites or the heretics, as they were mostly called, occupied the Eastern end of the Holy Roman Empire (i.e., Byzantine Empire - North East Africa and Constantinople) while the dyophysites occupied the Western end of the Holy Roman Empire. After a series of council meetings among the church patriarchs to resolve the nature of Christ and over 900 years of struggle between the monophysites and the dyophysites, monophysitism somehow evolved into a new spiritual philosophy called monism. Monism, perhaps of Sufi origin, is a spiritual doctrine that promotes the existence of one Supreme Being or substance, but denies the existence of duality in god or substance. The original followers of Monism were called Mahometans or Mohammedans. It is not really clear how monophysitism was absorbed into monism, but it is very clear that the two spiritual principles are very similar. The general consensus was that the absorption of monophysitism into monism started during the crusades when the Saracen and the Seljukian Turks, who appeared to practice some form of monism, invaded and took over the monophysitic North Eastern part of the Holy Roman Empire.
The eventual victory of the Turks over the Romans in the Eastern side of the Holy Roman Empire (i.e, Byzantine) prompted the Romans to move the seat of Christendom from the church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople to St. Peter Basilica in the Vatican, Rome. This move marked the end of Christendom in the Eastern Holy Roman Empire and paved the way for the spread of monism or Mohammedanism – remember Mahometans or Mohammedans were followers of some form of monism. This move also marked the end of close to 1000 years of back and forth dialectics and fights between the monophysites and dyophysites. Christianity, in its dyophysitic form, became the religion of the West and Monism or Mohammedanism, in its monophysitic form, became the religion of the East. The Turks replaced the Byzantine Holy Roma Empire of the East with the Ottoman Empire they created.
Around 1040-1190 A.D, shortly after the fights between the monophysites and dyophysites had subsided, a Jewish baron by the name Solomon Bar Isaac called RASHI and the monophysite Knight Templars formulated Judaism based off Sefer Ha Yashar, the literature originally created by RASHI. However, it was Moses Ben Maimon called Maimonides who expanded on Sefer Ha Yashar literature and wrote the first five books of the Old Testament called the Pentateuch (i.e., the first 5 books of Moses 1168-1180 A.D). The Jewish barons of Europe, capitalizing on the spread of Christianity in the West and the invention of printing press, printed the Old Testament in 1475 A.D for the Christian community of Europe. The Pope (Alexander VI – 1492-1503), not satisfied with the silence about Jesus the Christ in the printed Old Testament, instructed Desiderius Erasmus, an ex-priest and playwright to create the Synoptic Gospels (Mark, Matthew, and Luke), known as Novuum Testamentum or the New Testament. Almost 100 years later the fourth Gospel John was added in the King James Bible. Shortly before the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the East (1870 A.D), a group of Jewish Scholars and Rabbi under the instruction of the monist Ottoman ruler (Abulaziz) formulated the Koran by combining the four Christian gospels and the Jewish Torah. With the formulation of the Koran, Islam was born naturally out of Mohammedanism and the creation of the Abrahamic triad (i.e., Christianity, Islam and Judaism) was complete.