Thursday, May 10, 2018

Ifa Divination System & Choice Theory: is the human mind computable?

In his Magnus Opus, “Shadows of the Mind,” Roger Penrose asked the A.I (artificial intelligence) community if the human mind was computable in principle and in practice. Interestingly, I asked myself a similar question the first time I was exposed to the technological information that’s embedded in Ifa divination system. And I hope every student of Ifa would try to supply a well-thought out answer to this question in their study of Ifa divination system.

The question I asked myself was, “if Ifa divination is indeed a pseudo random number generator and a multi-dimensional information retrieval system and if human actions (product of the human mind) are indeed deterministic, in principle; yet, pseudo-random, in reality, can a traditional system like Ifa divination system predict accurately the outcome of human actions? In other words, if two adults agree to go on a date, can Ifa divination system predict accurately the outcome of their date?

To answer this question, one must understand the human mind, the human thought process and choice theory. The human thought process is very complex and chaotic. However, the human mind, like a digital computer and Ifa divination system, manages this complexity by reducing every human action into binary choices (0 and 1). Suffice to say, an observer can only perceive the outcome of a choice and not the latent factors, in our thought process, that’s responsible for the choice that we make and the outcome that we perceive.

It appears to me that the divinatory instrument of Opele (I.e. the Opele quantum chain) was invented to model the human thought process, capture the binary choices that humans face, and predict the typical outcome of a choice. The Opele quantum chain has 8 quantum tokens, each quantum token has two  superposed sides (concave and convex, 0 and 1), which is adapted to capture the basic binary choices that we face. In addition, the 8 tokens, combined, can generate 256 pseudo-random patterns, which are adapted to model the range of possible outcomes of human choice.

In conclusion, Ifa divination system uses the probability of numbers to simulate human binary choices and outcome. Consequently, it can indeed, in practice, make recommendations and predict the typical outcome of a human choice. 

Ifa is the totality of Yoruba mythology, epistemology, metaphysics and philosophy. Study it and its divination system.

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